Design and UX for Drupal

San Clemente Drupal

Drupal is the #1 open-source CMS for Enterprise Web Solutions.

Out of the box, Drupal has a UX designed for admins and site builders.

The much discussed phrase "form follows function" is a principle of modern design. Many interactive designers follow this approach when creating a user experience because it keeps design closely tied to the primary function of the system. Whether that system is a product dispenser, like a vending machine, or a banking software application, the interface is typically most successful when it satisfies the functions it's intended to serve.

With a combination of front-end frameworks and Drupal contributed modules the possibilities for design and UX are endless.

When it comes to design and UX, Drupal has unlimited flexibility.

Orange County Web Design

Bootstrap - Bootstrap is a responsive front-end framework ideally suited for Drupal. Unlike a Drupal theme, Bootstrap is a bare-bones design architecture that works like a blank canvas. It includes HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, modals, image carousels, etc. It also gives you support for JavaScript plugins

Content Types - Each Content Type created in a Drupal website is a collection of data fields that can be stylized to fit any design scheme. Text fields, form fields and image fields can all styled with CSS by using...

The Field Formatter Class module - Field Formatter Class lets you add classes to the outer HTML wrapper for any field display, so that CSS and Javascript can target them. It's particularly useful for adding classes required by various jQuery plugins and CSS grid systems.

Block Class - Block Class lets you to add classes to any block through the block's configuration interface. By adding a very short snippet of PHP to a theme's block.tpl.php file, classes can be added to the parent <div class="block ..."> element of a block.

Block Group - This module extends the standard Drupal block system with block groups. Each block group provides a new block as well as a corresponding region which can be styled with CSS. Child blocks can be moved into any group region. The position and the settings of the parent block are propagated to its children. Also block groups are nestable.

Content Management Systems